Ionic framework is an open-source UI toolkit for building mobile and desktop applications using core web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Ionic is designed to work and display beautifully on all current mobile devices and platforms.


This article will help you to install the Ionic framework command-line utility on Fedora 36/35/34/33 Linux systems.

Step 1 – Install Node.js

Ionic required Nodejs to be installed on your system. The systems that don’t have installed Nodejs use the following commands to install the Node.js 14.x version on your system. You can visit our tutorial to install latest Node.js on Fedora systems.

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo dnf install nodejs

Step 2 – Install Cordova

After installing nodejs, run the following command to install Cordova on your system using the npm command. It will install all other required node modules on your system.

sudo npm install -g cordova

Step 3 – Install Ionic on Fedora

Ionic provides and commands line utility for creating packages, building, and starting applications. Use the NPM command to install the Ionic framework on your system.

sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli

After completing the installation of the Ionic framework, use the following command to check the installed version.

ionic -v


Step 4 – Create Sample Application

Now, You need to create a new Ionic application on your computer by running the following command.

ionic start

Now follow the wizard:

  1. Select framework between React or Angular.
  2. Now, enter a name for your new application
  3. Select a starter template. The details of each template is listed on screen.

After completing the Wizard, you will get a message “Your Ionic app is ready!”. It will also show the next steps on the screen.

Now, run the below command from your application directory.

cd ionic-app
ionic serve --host --port 8100

Then access your ionic application in a web browser using system IP.


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