Keeping users from accessing a specific webpage is useful in keeping them from sensitive information. If you host your site on an Apache server, you can lock it down by locking a specific URL. You can lock a URL without locking the entire site if you just need to prevent access to a single page. There are several ways to do this with Apache, so let’s look at seven ways to secure a specific URL in Apache and keep intruders away from it.


This article will help you secure a specific URL in Apache. For example, a site has a secure area like” and we need that only the authorized users or IP addresses can access /admin/ section.

1. Restrict Specific URL by IP Address

First, edit the Apache configuration file and add the below entry in VirtualHost. This will allow /admin URL to or an IP range like

<Location /admin>
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from
  Allow from

Save the Apache configuration file and restart the apache service using one of the following commands.

sudo systemctl restart httpd        #On RedHat based systems
sudo systemctl restart apache2        #On Debian based systems

Let’s try to access your site from any other IP address. Also, check the given IP address in the configuration file.

2. Setup User Authentication on Specific URL

You can also enable a login screen for a specific URL in the Apache webserver. To do this, edit the Apache configuration file and add the below entry in the website VirtualHost section.

<Location /admin>
  AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd/.htpasswd
  AuthName "Password Protected Area"
  AuthType Basic
  Require valid-user

Now create a new htpasswd file using the below command and add a new user.

htpasswd -cm /var/www/htpasswd/.htpasswd myuser
New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user myuser

Restart the Apache service and access your site URL. It will prompt for login details.

sudo systemctl restart httpd        #On RedHat based systems
sudo systemctl restart apache2        #On Debian based systems

Thanks for using this article, I hope this article fulfills your needs. Click here to read more details about apache location directive.



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