MacOS – TecAdmin How to guide for System Administrator's and Developers Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:14:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Install PostgreSQL on MacOS Mon, 24 Oct 2022 11:58:18 +0000 PostgreSQL is an open-source database management system (DBMS) that is widely used for its reliability, performance, and scalability. It is also known as a third-generation DBMS because it retains data in secondary storage rather than memory, making it less prone to performance degradation and other issues associated with dynamic memory allocation. In this article, we’ll [...]

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PostgreSQL is an open-source database management system (DBMS) that is widely used for its reliability, performance, and scalability. It is also known as a third-generation DBMS because it retains data in secondary storage rather than memory, making it less prone to performance degradation and other issues associated with dynamic memory allocation. In this article, we’ll show you how to install PostgreSQL on macOS.

In this blog post, you will learn how to install PostgreSQL on macOS with Homebrew by following the steps below. Once you complete the installation process, you’ll be able to create databases, tables, and other objects inside those tables. You can even write queries against those tables so that they return the data that you are looking for.

Installing Homebrew

The first step is to install Homebrew, which is a package manager for macOS. Package managers are useful when installing open source software (OSS) because you don’t have to manually download the source code, build the software from scratch, and then install it. You can instead, just use the package manager to pull in the OSS that you want and then install it with a simple command. You can follow the steps below to install Homebrew on macOS.

First, open a new Terminal window by clicking on Finder and then clicking on Applications. From there, click on Utilities. This will open a new Terminal window. In the Terminal window, type:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

You’ll see a bunch of text fly by. Once the text stops, you are then prompted to add the path for Terminal to your PATH environment variable. You can do that by typing “export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH” and then press the enter key.

Installing PostgreSQL

Once you’ve installed Homebrew on your macOS, first of all search available versions of PostgreSQL server for installation:

brew search postgresql

All the available versions or formulae will be listed.

PostgreSQL Installation on MacOS

Choose one of the listed PostgreSQL versions to install on your macOS. For example, to install PostgreSQL 14, execute the following command:

brew install postgresql@14 

If you need to upgrade an existing PostgreSQL installation, use the following command:

brew upgrade postgresql@14 

Remember that the above command will upgrade the minor version only.

Then, start the PostgreSQL service with the following command:

brew services start postgresql@14 

If you want to stop or restart the service, use the following commands:

brew services stop postgresql@14 
brew services restart postgresql@14 

That’s it. You have successfully installed the PostgreSQL server on your macOS.

Login to PostgreSQL

After installing a fresh database server, you need to configure it before using it. The “psql” is the command line utility for managing the Postgres database server. The default PostgreSQL comes with a database named “postgres”, that we can use to log in to the server. Execute the following command to get login into the Postgres terminal:

psql postgres 

PostgreSQL Installation on MacOS

Once you get the Postgres terminal, you can check the available databases with the following command:


How to Install PostgreSQL on macOS

The default installation creates a user named “admin” with superuser privileges. That is the owner of the default “postgres” database. You can list all the available users with the following command.


PostgreSQL Installation on MacOS

Creating User

As you see above that the default PostgreSQL creates a super admin named “admin” and database “postgres”. You can either use the “CREATE ROLE” to add a new ROLE (User) in your system or use “createuse” command line utility to create it. Personally, I love to use “createuser” utility with an interactive mode that helped for adding new roles quickly

Let’s create the first ROLE from your macOS terminal, type:

createuser --interactive --pwprompt 

This will prompt for the following details:

  • Name for the new ROLE (User).
  • Inter a password for new role
  • Re-enter the password for new role (Same as above)
  • Press ‘n’, do not provide super administrator privileges.
  • Press ‘y’ to provide create database privileges
  • Press ‘n’ to not allow to make new roles

How to Install PostgreSQL on macOS

You can successfully added a new user to the Postgres database server. Use the following command to log in as a new user.

psql postgres -U tecadmin -W 

Change “tecadmin” with your user name. Currently the user user doesn’t have any database with name, So the above command will connect to the “postgres” database. Press Enter button and provide the password of the user:

How to Install PostgreSQL on macOS

Creating Database

Now, create a new database with the following command.


After creating a database, list all the databases in the postgres server.


PostgreSQL Installation on MacOS


In this article, we’ve shown you how to install PostgreSQL on macOS. Once you complete the installation process, you’ll be able to create databases, tables, and other objects inside those tables. You can even write queries against those tables so that they return the data that you are looking for. When you’re finished, be sure to log out of the “postgres” user or stop the PostgreSQL service by using the “brew services stop postgresql” command before continuing to use your Mac.

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How to Change Terminal Font Size in macOS Sat, 17 Sep 2022 03:02:31 +0000 A terminal is the command line interface (CLI) for the macOS. That takes only commands as input and is sent to the operating system. The default font size is good enough, but some people require to increase in font size for better visibility. You can increase or decrease the terminal font size via terminal preferences. [...]

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A terminal is the command line interface (CLI) for the macOS. That takes only commands as input and is sent to the operating system. The default font size is good enough, but some people require to increase in font size for better visibility. You can increase or decrease the terminal font size via terminal preferences.

  1. Launch a terminal on your system. Then open in the menubar: Terminal >> Preferences

    How to Change Font Size in MacOS
    Open terminal preferences
  2. A new dialog box will open with the terminal profile editor. Here you can change the terminal theme, background color or image, cursor, font, and font size. Click change button as shown in below image:

    Increase Font Size in macOS Terminal
    Click change button
  3. You will get a list of the sizes. Select a font size of your choice, if the required size is not showing in the dropdown, just type it.
    Changing Font Size of macOS Terminal
    Select font size to set
  4. All done. Close all dialog boxes including the terminal. Then launch a new terminal and you will get the new font size.

This quick tutorial shows you – how to increase or decrease the font size for the macOS terminal.

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How to Install LibreOffice on macOS Fri, 16 Sep 2022 02:54:18 +0000 If you use macOS, you probably use Apple-built apps like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. These are great programs with a lot of functionality and ease of use. They’re also not free. You can only get them through the Mac App Store. But if you have to meet a budget [...]

The post How to Install LibreOffice on macOS appeared first on TecAdmin.

If you use macOS, you probably use Apple-built apps like Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. These are great programs with a lot of functionality and ease of use. They’re also not free. You can only get them through the Mac App Store. But if you have to meet a budget or just prefer open source software instead of closed source programs, you might want to look at alternatives. However, there are many great free word processing programs available that are similar to Word, such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office online. Unfortunately, they’re all Windows-only applications—at least for now. Fortunately, there is an excellent open-source alternative called LibreOffice that works on macOS as well as Windows —and it comes with a Mac installer!

System Requirements

First, make sure you have a macOS system that meets the minimum requirements for LibreOffice. You can find those here. This includes:

  • macOS 10.12 or newer
  • Intel or Apple silicon processor
  • Minimum 512 MB RAM
  • Up to 800 MB of free disk space
  • 1024×768 graphic device with 256 colors (or higher)

LibreOffice also has specific versions for each major macOS release. You can find the macOS versions here. You’ll want to pick the most recent one for your macOS version.

How to Install LibreOffice on macOS

If you want to install the latest version of LibreOffice, you’ll want to download the files from the LibreOffice website. Follow the below steps to download and install LibreOffice on macOS.

  1. Download the .DMG file from the download page. This downloads a Mac disk image file (ending in “.dmg”).

    How to Install LibreOffice on macOS
    Download LibreOffice for Your MacOS
  2. Go to the Downloads directory, Here you find the downloaded file. Right-click on the “.dmg” file and click Open

    How to Install LibreOffice on macOS
    Start LibreOffice installer
  3. An installation window will appear as below screenshot. Drag and drop the LibreOffice icon onto the Applications icon in the same window.

    How to Install LibreOffice on macOS
    Drag and drop LibreOffice icon to Applications
  4. The files are copied over and a progress bar shows when the installation is complete.

    Installing LibreOffice on macOS
    LibreOffice installation on macOS

That’s it. This will complete the LibreOffice installation on your macOS system.

Now, you can launch the LibreOffice application and start using it.

Installing LibreOffice on macOS
Running LibreOffice application on macOS


There are many reasons why you might want to use an open-source alternative to Office. Perhaps you want to save money or maybe you have to meet a budget. You might prefer open source software for privacy or security reasons or you might just like the idea of supporting free software. Whatever your reasons, LibreOffice is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Office.

It works well on Mac, Windows, and Linux. It also has a feature set that is comparable to Word. However, one thing to keep in mind is that LibreOffice is regularly updated. This can mean that features can change and improve over time. This can be both good and bad. It can mean that you get new and exciting features. However, it can also mean that features you like can be removed.

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How to Set JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS Tue, 13 Sep 2022 12:26:53 +0000 This tutorial will help you to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the latest older macOS operating systems. The /usr/libexec/java_home is the command line utility that returns the Path of the Java home directory from the current user’s settings. You can use this utility to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable on your macOS. In [...]

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This tutorial will help you to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the latest older macOS operating systems. The /usr/libexec/java_home is the command line utility that returns the Path of the Java home directory from the current user’s settings. You can use this utility to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable on your macOS.

In an Operating System (OS) JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set to point to the directory containing the JVM. In this tutorial, we will help you to correctly set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on macOS.

Check Pre-Installed Java Versions

You can find details of all installed Java versions on macOS with the following command.

/usr/libexec/java_home -V 
Matching Java Virtual Machines (5): 18.0.1, x86_64: "OpenJDK 18.0.1" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-18.jdk/Contents/Home 16.0.1, x86_64: "AdoptOpenJDK 16" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-16.jdk/Contents/Home 15.0.1, x86_64: "AdoptOpenJDK 15" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-15.jdk/Contents/Home, x86_64: "AdoptOpenJDK 11" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home 1.8.0_275, x86_64: "AdoptOpenJDK 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-18.jdk/Contents/Home

Set JAVA_HOME on macOS 10.15 and newer

The macOS Catalina (version 10.15) and the newer macOS versions usee the Zsh as the default shell. Zsh executes ~/.zshrc script during a new session starts. You can add your code in this file to the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Once the user is logged or opens a new shell the variable will automatically be set by the script.

Use one of the below commands to set JAVA_HOME as per the required Java version:

  • Use default Java version:
    echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" >> ~/.zshrc 
  • Set the specific Java version by specifying it as:
    echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)" >> ~/.zshrc 

    To use a different Java version, simply replace 1.8 with the version you required like 11, 15, 17, or 18.

Set JAVA_HOME on macOS 10.14 Mojave and older

The macOS Mojave (version 10.14) and the previous macOS versions uses the Bash as the default shell. Bash runs ~/.bash_profile script everytime it started. You can easily set the JAVA_HOME environment variable using this file.

  • Set the default Java version:
    echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home)" >> ~/.bash_profile
  • Set the specific Java version:
    echo export "JAVA_HOME=\$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)" >> ~/.bash_profile

    To use a different Java version, simply replace 1.8 with the version you required like 11, 15, 17, or 18.


The JAVA_HOME is an environment variable that points to the file system location where the JDK or JRE is installed. Many Java application uses this variable to find the location of Java installed on the system.

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How To Install Google Chrome On macOS Wed, 10 Aug 2022 10:09:05 +0000 Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers today, with over 1 billion users across the world. While it is available for Windows and macOS – as well as Linux – natively, it can also be installed on OS X using third-party utilities. Installing Google Chrome directly from the official website will [...]

The post How To Install Google Chrome On macOS appeared first on TecAdmin.

Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers today, with over 1 billion users across the world. While it is available for Windows and macOS – as well as Linux – natively, it can also be installed on OS X using third-party utilities. Installing Google Chrome directly from the official website will only get you so far. Instead, to get the most out of it on a Mac, you need to install it directly from its standalone installer file. Installing Google Chrome on your Mac is not very difficult either.

There are several ways in which you can install Google Chrome on macOS. In this blog post, we will discuss installing Google Chrome on macOS.

The benefits of Google Chrome for macOS

People have been using the Chrome browser since 2008. Since then, Chrome has become one of the most popular browsers on the market and grow as a low-cost and easy-to-use solution.

In fact, there are many reasons why you should use Google Chrome on macOS. Not only is it free, but it is also very lightweight, secure, and fast, making it ideal for all sorts of uses. It is also cross-platform, so you can use it on Windows and macOS. Furthermore, Chrome has more features, extensions, and apps available compared to other browsers. It is also very easy to use and navigate, making it ideal for beginners.

How to Install Google Chrome on macOS

Visit to download and install Google Chrome on your Mac computer. You can also follow these steps to install Google Chrome on macOS. Once you do, you will be able to experience all the amazing features that Google Chrome has to offer.

  1. Open Safari browser and visit
  2. Click the Download Chrome button
    Download Google Chrome on MacOS
    Download Google Chrome for macOS
  3. When the Chrome for Mac download is finished, open the file called googlechrome.dmg under Downloads directory.

    Installing Google Chrome on MacOS
    Run Google Chrome installer on macOS
  4. Drag the Chrome icon to the Applications folder when asked — the last step before you finally have Chrome on Mac
    How to Install Google Chrome on MacOS
    Installing Google Chrome on macOS
  5. Launch Google Chrome from Applications or straight from your Dock
    How to Install Chrome on macOS
    Running Google Chrome on macOS
  6. Remove the Google Chrome dmg file from the Downloads folder.

Google Chrome Shortcuts on macOS

If you start using Google Chrome on your Mac, you will discover some interesting shortcuts for the browser. Here are a few key Google Chrome shortcuts that you should know about:

  • ⌘ + T: Open a new tab
  • ⌘ + Shift + N: Open a private window (Incognito mode)
  • ⌘ + W: Close current tab
  • ⌘ + L: Go to the address bar
  • ⌘ + Shift + R: Reload current tab
  • ⌘ + F: Open the browser’s built-in search feature
  • ⌘ + D: Bookmarks
  • ⌘ + J: History
  • ⌘ + P: Open the Command Menu
  • ⌘ with + or – keys: Zoom in and out

Final words: Is it worth installing Google Chrome?

Yes. If you are looking for an easy-to-use yet powerful web browser, there is no better option than Google Chrome. It is free and cross-platform, so you can use it on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Furthermore, it is lightning fast, secure, and has many useful features and extensions. You won’t be disappointed with Google Chrome, that’s for sure!

This tutorial helps you to install Google Chrome on macOS system.

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How to Create React.js Application on macOS Thu, 04 Aug 2022 02:00:56 +0000 Have you heard about the new and trending JavaScript library called React.js? It’s so cool that it has been extensively used by developers to create interactive User Interfaces and components in their applications. The React library is also a great choice when you want to build fast and scalable apps with a component-based approach. If [...]

The post How to Create React.js Application on macOS appeared first on TecAdmin.

Have you heard about the new and trending JavaScript library called React.js? It’s so cool that it has been extensively used by developers to create interactive User Interfaces and components in their applications. The React library is also a great choice when you want to build fast and scalable apps with a component-based approach. If you haven’t started using it yet, it’s time you start learning. In this blog post, we will show you how to set up a React development environment on your Mac computer. Read on!


First, you need to make sure that you have the latest macOS installed on your computer. You can check the version of your macOS by clicking on the Apple menu in the top left corner of your computer screen and clicking on “About This Mac”. Make sure you have Node.js installed on your Mac computer. You can download Node.js for MacOS.

You also need to install an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to write your React application. The most popular choices are WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, Atom, and IntelliJ. We will be using WebStorm for this tutorial. You will need to sign up for a free trial to start using this IDE.

Step 1: Installing Node.js and NPM

First, you need to install Node.js and NPM on your Mac computer. To do so, go to the terminal and type in the following command, and hit enter. You can find the terminal by searching for “terminal” in the MacOS search menu.

nvm install 16 

Assuming you already have installed NVM on your macOS system.

Step 2: Install create-react-app Module with NPM

Once you have installed Node.js and NPM, you can go ahead and install the React CLI by typing the following command in the terminal. You can also install it from the NPM website by clicking on the “install” button.

npm install create-react-app --location=global
How to Create React.js App on macOS
installing create-react-app node module

Step 3: Creating React Application on macOS

If you want to create your React application from scratch, follow the steps below. First, change the current directory path to your computer’s root directory by typing the following command.

You can change the directory path to any other folder as well. But make sure that you choose a path that is not present in any git repository. If the folder path is present in any git repository, you will get a message saying that the path is in the .gitignore file and cannot be selected.

Now, create a new React app by typing the following command.

npx create-react-app my-app 
How to Setup React.js App on macOS
Creating React Application on macOS

Afterward, you can navigate into the project on the command line and start it with npm:

cd my-app 
npm start 

Wait for the application to start.

How to Create React.js App on macOS
Start React Application in Development on macOS

The default application will listen on localhost:3000. You can access this in a web browser.

How to Setup React.js App on macOS
Running React Application on macOS

Safari is the default browser for the macOS machine, But I recommend you to use Chrome as well. Google chrome provides the developer environment and a chrome extension for React Developer Tools.

Step 4: Build React Application

Once the React application is ready for production, you can go ahead and build it. Type the following command to build your application.

npm run build 
How to Create React.js App on macOS
Make a production build of react application on macOS

The above command builds your React application and creates a folder called “build” in the current directory. The build folder contains the JavaScript code and other resources required by your application.

How to Setup React.js App on macOS
Listing react build files

You can upload files from the build folder to the document root of your production site.


Now that you know how to set up a React development environment on your Mac computer, you can go ahead and start learning the basics of React. We recommend that you start with the React tutorial to get a good understanding of how React works. You can also go through the official React documentation to learn more about the library. Once you are done with the initial learning, you can start building more complex React applications. Now that you know how to set up a React development environment on your Mac computer, you can go ahead and start learning the basics of React.

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#1 macOS and OS X Versions and Codenames Tue, 19 Jul 2022 06:21:08 +0000 There are several macOS versions (also known as OS X or Mac OS X) and codenames of those releases. Apple recently launched macOS Mojave, the latest version of its desktop operating system. Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion in 2011, Apple has been updating its operating system annually with new codenames and revisions of [...]

The post #1 macOS and OS X Versions and Codenames appeared first on TecAdmin.

There are several macOS versions (also known as OS X or Mac OS X) and codenames of those releases. Apple recently launched macOS Mojave, the latest version of its desktop operating system. Starting with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion in 2011, Apple has been updating its operating system annually with new codenames and revisions of the same code name. In this article, you can learn about all macOS versions and their codenames from 2005 to the present day.

What is macOS?

macOS is an operating system by Apple that powers Mac computers. It’s available in two major versions: macOS Sierra (for Mac OS 10.12 and later) and OS X El Capitan (for Mac OS 10.11 and earlier). You can also find macOS on other devices like Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The history of macOS goes back to 1984 when Apple released the first Macintosh computer with a new operating system called the Macintosh Operating System (MOS). Before MOS and macOS, Apple used a proprietary operating system called Apple DOS. MOS came with several features including the Macintosh User Interface (UI), Multi-tasking, File System, Hypertext, and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

A list of macOS Versions And Codenames
macOS – An Operating System

macOS Versions and Code names

Every macOS operating system is identified by there version number and its unique codename. Here is the list of macOS versions and their code names.

macOS Version Codename Release date
OS X 10 beta Kodiak 13 September 2000
OS X 10.0 Cheetah 24 March 2001
OS X 10.1 Puma 25 September 2001
OS X 10.2 Jaguar 24 August 2002
OS X 10.3 Panther 24 October 2003
OS X 10.4 Tiger 29 April 2005
OS X 10.5 Leopard 26 October 2007
OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard 28 August 2009
OS X 10.7 Lion 20 July 2011
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion 25 July 2012
OS X 10.9 Mavericks 22 October 2013
OS X 10.10 Yosemite 16 October 2014
OS X 10.11 El Capitan 30 September 2015
macOS 10.12 Sierra 20 September 2016
macOS 10.13 High Sierra 25 September 2017
macOS 10.14 Mojave 24 September 2018
macOS 10.15 Catalina 07 October 2019
macOS 11 Big Sur 12 November 2020
macOS 12 Monterey 25 October 2021
macOS 13 Ventura TBA


The macOS is a powerful operating system with many new features added with every new version. If you are planning to buy a new computer and want to install macOS, check the macOS version and codename of your computer before purchasing it.

In this article, you can learn about all macOS versions and their codenames from 2000 to the present day. The history of macOS goes back to 1984 when Apple released the first Macintosh computer with a new operating system called the Macintosh Operating System (MOS).

What is the latest macOS version?
macOS 13 codename is Ventura
macOS 12 codename is Monterey
macOS 11 codename is Big Sur
macOS 10.15 codename is Catalina
Which is the latest macOS version
The latest macOS version is 12 (Monterey)
macOS 13 release date is
macOS 12 release date is October 25, 2021
macOS 11 release date is November 12, 2020

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How to Install AnyDesk on macOS Fri, 11 Dec 2020 03:22:00 +0000 Anydesk is a SaaS application that helps businesses manage their remote workers. It is also available as a macOS app, which you can install on your Mac computer to view and manage your Anydesk account from your desktop. Anydesk for macOS is simple, intuitive, and user-friendly. You can use it to keep track of all [...]

The post How to Install AnyDesk on macOS appeared first on TecAdmin.

Anydesk is a SaaS application that helps businesses manage their remote workers. It is also available as a macOS app, which you can install on your Mac computer to view and manage your Anydesk account from your desktop. Anydesk for macOS is simple, intuitive, and user-friendly. You can use it to keep track of all your activities across multiple projects and clients. You can create new folders, files, or notes in the software if you want to store any documents or information related to the tasks you perform with clients through Anydesk. AnyDesk supports Google Chrome as its standard web browser, but if you prefer another one, here’s how to install AnyDesk on macOS using Homebrew:


  • Terminal: You must have macOS terminal access and little knowledge about working with the command line.
  • Homebrew: Homebrew is a popular package management tools used for installing most open source software like Node. Here is the Homebrew installation tutorial

Install AnyDesk on macOS

The first step towards installing Anydesk on macOS using Homebrew is to install Homebrew on your Mac computer. AnyDesk for macOS is a web application, so you have to first install Apache, the most popular open-source web server that executes the code behind Anydesk.

brew install --cask anydesk 

Wait for the installation to finish.

brew install anydesk macos

That’s it. You have successfully installed Anydesk on the macOS system.

Using AnyDesk Application

Start the spotlight search tool and enter “anydesk”. This will show you the Anydesk launcher icon, click the icon to start Anydesk on your macOS system.

You can also launch the application using launchpad (3 icons in Dock, a gray icon with a rocket ship).

Install AnyDesk MacOS

Uninstalling Anydesk for macOS

If you are planning to uninstall Anydesk from your Mac computer, follow these steps: First, open Terminal on your Mac computer. Now, enter this command to uninstall Apache: Next, enter this command to uninstall MySQL: Finally, enter this command to uninstall PHP:

brew uninstall --cask anydesk 


Anydesk is a great SaaS application that helps businesses manage their remote workers. You can use it to keep track of all your activities across multiple projects and clients. Anydesk is also available as a macOS app, which you can install on your Mac computer to view and manage your Anydesk account from your desktop. Anydesk for macOS is simple, intuitive, and user-friendly. You can use it to create files, folders or notes in the software if you want to store any documents or information related to the tasks you perform with clients through Anydesk. With the help of this article, you can easily install Anydesk on macOS using Homebrew on your computer.

The post How to Install AnyDesk on macOS appeared first on TecAdmin.

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How to Check MacOS Version (GUI+CLI) Thu, 10 Dec 2020 19:00:33 +0000 The macOS 12 is the latest release by the Apple team. Its code name is Monterey, derived from an unmapped wilderness area that lies along the coast south of Monterey. The is the most advanced desktop operating system with a new level of power and beauty. This tutorial will describe how to check the macOS [...]

The post How to Check MacOS Version (GUI+CLI) appeared first on TecAdmin.

The macOS 12 is the latest release by the Apple team. Its code name is Monterey, derived from an unmapped wilderness area that lies along the coast south of Monterey. The is the most advanced desktop operating system with a new level of power and beauty.

This tutorial will describe how to check the macOS version from the desktop and command-line interface.

Check MacOS Version (GUI)

Login to your macOS system. In the top-left corner, click on the apple icon. Then click the “About This Mac” in the dropdown menu. See the below screenshot:

Check MacOS Version Details
Click on the “about this mac”

This will display the macOS version along with the system configuration details.

How to Find MacOS Version
Show macOS version details

The above screenshot shows that we’re using macOS Monterey, which is version 12.5.

Check MacOS Version via CLI

Open the terminal application on your macOS and type the following command to check the macOS version.



ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 12.5
BuildVersion:   21G72

You can also fetch the specific values only. Which can be useful for scripting like shell scripts. Use the following command line parameters:

  • Use -productName to print the value of the ProductName only
    sw_vers -productName
  • Use -productVersion to print the value of ProductVersion. This is the version of your macOS, which is generally required with scripting to check the macOS version:
    sw_vers -productVersion
  • Use -buildVersion to print the value of the BuildVersion property only.
    sw_vers -buildVersion


In this tutorial, you have learned to check the macOS version running on your Apple desktop system. That helps you to find the correct packages for the macOS and make automation scripts.

The post How to Check MacOS Version (GUI+CLI) appeared first on TecAdmin.

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How To Install NVM on macOS with Homebrew Tue, 24 Nov 2020 15:48:05 +0000 The NVM (Node Version Manager) is a shell script used for installing and managing Node.js on a Linux-based system. The macOS users can install NVM using the homebrew. This tutorial helps you to install NVM on your macOS system and manage Node.js versions. Prerequisites You must have macOS desktop access with administrator privileges. Login to [...]

The post How To Install NVM on macOS with Homebrew appeared first on TecAdmin.

The NVM (Node Version Manager) is a shell script used for installing and managing Node.js on a Linux-based system. The macOS users can install NVM using the homebrew.

This tutorial helps you to install NVM on your macOS system and manage Node.js versions.


You must have macOS desktop access with administrator privileges.

Login to the macOS desktop system and install Homebrew on your system (if not already installed)

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 

For more instruction visit Homebrew installation tutorial.

Step 1 – Remove existing Node Versions

If your system already has a node installed, uninstall it first. My system already has installed node via Homebrew. So uninstalling it first. Skip if not already installed.

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node 
brew uninstall --force node 

Step 2 – Install NVM on macOS

Now, your system is ready for the installation. Update the Homebrew package list and install NVM.

brew update 
brew install nvm 

Next, create a directory for NVM at home.

mkdir ~/.nvm 

Now, configure the required environment variables. Edit the following configuration file in your home directory

vim ~/.bash_profile 

and, add the below lines to ~/.bash_profile ( or ~/.zshrc for macOS Catalina or newer versions)

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/

Press ESC + :wq to save and close your file.

Next, load the variable to the current shell environment. From the next login, it will automatically loaded.

source ~/.bash_profile

That’s it. The NVM has been installed on your macOS system. Go to next step to install Node.js versions with the help of nvm.

Step 3 – Install Node.js with NVM

First of all, see what Node versions are available to install. To see available versions, type:

nvm ls-remote 

Now, you can install any version listed in above output. You can also use aliases names like node for latest version, lts for latest LTS version, etc.

nvm install node     ## Installing Latest version 
nvm install 14       ## Installing Node.js 14.X version 

After installing you can verify what is installed with:

nvm ls 

nvm list node.js macos

If you have installed multiple versions on your system, you can set any version as the default version any time. To set the node 14.X as default version, simply use:

nvm use 14 

Similarly, you can install other versions like Node 12, 15, and 18 versions and switch between them.


This tutorial explained you to how to install NVM and node.js on the macOS system.

The post How To Install NVM on macOS with Homebrew appeared first on TecAdmin.

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