Author: jason.soto

Port Knocking is a technique used to secure connections or port access from unwanted users. Using this technique we maintain one or more previously configured ports closed and these will only be opened using a sequence of requests to a number of ports that wepreviouslyset . To give an example , if we configure port Knocking access to port 50, this port will only be open when we make requests to the ports 1000,2500,3000 in that order , doing so, once we complete the sequence correctly the firewall will open the port that was previously closed.With this we add another…

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MariaDB has more features and advantages over MySQL server described here. If you are thinking to switch to MariaDB, this article will help you. Today I am going to show you how to replace MySQL with MariaDB with all you existing Data in Linux CentOS. To do This we are going to follow these steps as root. Step 1: Backup Existing Databases Firstly take a backup of all existing databases, In case we need to restore it. # mysqldump -u root -p –all-databases > BackupDBS.sql Step 2: Remove MySQL After confirming that you have all databases backup, Lets remove MySQL…

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Mod_Security is a Web Application Firewall that executes as a Module on your Web Server and provides protection against various attacks to our web applications. It monitors HTTP traffic and performs real-time analysis. It’s a product developed by Breach Security and is available a free software under the GNU License. It is Available for Apache, Nginx and IIS. Mod_Security can be deployed and integrated with our current Web Servers infrastructure, meaning that we do not have to modify our internal Network, we don’t add any point of failure, we can benefit from load balancing and scalability and we would not…

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If we are working as a System Administrator, Security or System auditor, our responsibilities include tasks like: Security patch installation for OS or Applications, malware scanning, File integrity checks, Security audit, configuration error checks and more. If there is a tool capable of looking for these vulnerabilities automatically it could help us a lot and we can assure we are doing our best to keep the system secure. One of this tools is Lynis. This tool is supported by multiple platforms including Linux CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, MacOS, Ubuntu and much more. This tool will audit the system in multiple…

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